Top Mistakes Libras Make In Relationship

Published Categorized as Libra, Love & Relationship
Top Mistakes Libras Make In Relationship

Being an Air sign ruled by the love planet Venus, Libras are flirty, charming, graceful, and highly generous lovers. While they are known for their exceptional dating qualities, they are not immune to making mistakes in their relationships.

Libras in relationships are known for their one-of-a-kind romance, and they are all about love, peace, and harmony. They have an idealistic romantic desire and love selflessly, going out of their way to show affection and ensure their partner’s needs are met. Their air sign lets them build psychologically solid connections with their partners, and they thrive in indulging in romantic relationships.

Themis, the Lady of Justice, is the symbol of Libra

Suppose you are a Libra and wondering why you keep failing at relationships despite being one of the ultimate signs of a partnership. In that case, you are most likely making the following mistakes! Or, if you are dating one, knowing these common mistakes can help you understand them better and support them in avoiding mistakes.

Let’s take a look at them!

Setting the Bar Too High

They go out of their way to make their partner feel special and expect something equally generous from their partner. One of their personality traits is ‘balance’. Therefore, they take the give-and-take policy too seriously. So when they set the bar too high by overwhelming them with too many gifts, emotions, expressions of love, etc., their partners have difficulty cooperating or matching their level.

Avoiding Conflict

Libras tend to avoid conflict; try to discuss your feeling with your partner.

Their diplomacy is the reason why Libras are so difficult to handle for their partners. However, this diplomacy saves them a lot of drama in their everyday lives, not so much in relationships! They say yes even when they mean no to avoid conflicts which can be a huge problem in relationships. Libra men in relationships absolutely hate arguing, and they say what others want to hear to end the conversation. It’s best to understand that disagreements are signs of a healthy relationship. Discussing your issues and true feelings with your partner can prevent so many problems down the road.

Being Shallow About Dating

Libras are not probably the best at choosing their partners because sometimes they mistake focusing on external attributes like looks or money rather than seeing them for who they really are. Therefore, they realize that their partner isn’t who they were looking for later in the relationship. So all the Libras out there looking for love don’t fall for their hot body and job title and try to see their internal attributes.

‘Overthinking’ is Their Middle Name

Overthinking may cause frustrations in a relationship.

Libra is represented by the scales and tries to bring balance and harmony in all their actions. They are also obsessed with checking the pros and cons of every single decision of their lives, which results in a lot of overthinking. Constantly dwelling on every little detail can cause frustrations in their relationship, so it’s best to work on letting go of the little things.

Taking Flirting a Little Too Far

There is no doubt that Libras are social charmers and born flirts, so they end up flirting even in a relationship that can ruin everything. Although they do harmless flirting, which is not cheating, it can tempt them to cheat or give other people or their partners a wrong idea. So Libras should control their flirty remarks and gestures when around other people to save their relationship from suffering.

Not Staying True To Their Word

To please their partners, Libras overpromise things and do not end up delivering them. They constantly try to look good in the eyes of their lover and end up agreeing to everything. To avoid future resentment, it’s best to say what you are feeling first and not overcommit to things you have no desire or time to do so.

Jumping from Relationship to Relationship

Romance is addictive to Libras because they are ruled by the love planet, Venus. Libra, after a breakup, jump quickly into another relationship without being single, resulting in a feeling of codependence. While focusing on your love life, it’s best to understand that there is more to life than romance, and it is fine to be single and reflect on your own needs.

Staying in a Relationship They Don’t Want To

Libras in relationships tend to avoid conflict so much that they end up stuck in relationships that have hit rock bottom. They don’t speak up about their dissatisfaction which ends in causing more drama and harm; it becomes even worse when they do heavy flirting or emotional cheating. It’s best to end things and face the arguments rather than keeping someone hanging.

Idealistic View of Romance

Libra is an air sign; they tend to get lost in their thoughts and fantasies. They love to be in love, due to which they overlook red flags in a relationship and over-idealize their partners. Although there is nothing wrong with being madly in love, make sure that the other person is compatible before falling for them.

Too Easy-Going

Libra women can be a bit too easy-going and don’t demand what they want. When they start caring about pleasing their partners more than pleasing themselves, they don’t ask for things they need. It is essential to communicate your needs and wants to your partner so that you don’t end up feeling resentful of your partner.

Extreme Indecisiveness

If there is one sign that is known for being the most indecisive, it’s Libra! They always want their partner to make their decisions and put the ball in their court. It might seem cute and caring at first, but slowly it builds up negative emotions against their partner. Therefore, they must be assertive in their relationships rather than letting their partner decide everything.

Final Thoughts

If this post has made you ask, are Libras loyal in relationships? Then the answer to it is a 100% yes!

Despite being blessed with the ability to woo their partner with their big romantic gestures and overly compassionate behavior, there are chances that the diplomacy and the need to please can end up concealing their true feelings.

Libras are some of the most graceful and generous signs; if they work on communication and assertiveness, they can keep their relationship blooming forever.

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