Cancer Star Sign – Symbols, History, Mythology

Published Categorized as Cancer

While the cancer symbol constellation may be one of the dimmest in the sky, the people born during this period are certainly not! Cancers are one of the most misunderstood zodiac signs. Our guide gives you the details and history behind the star sign, making it easier for you to understand where these guys are coming from!

Cancer Symbol Details

Born from the 21st of June to the 22nd of July, Cancers are one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac. Their symbol is the crab, and it is one of the dimmest looking constellations of the zodiac.

While it is a water sign, it is ruled by the moon as its planet. Cancers have this unique ability to feel the energy in the room around them. They can pick up on minor emotional changes and usually give their all to their friends and family.


The myth behind the cancer symbol

The myth behind the cancer symbol is somewhat dark. According to Cancer history, legend has it that Hercules was performing his 12 labors as a part of his penance for murdering his family.

During one of these labors, he was confronted by the famous water serpent, Hydra. While Hercules was fighting Hydra, Hera, a goddess who has especially angry at Hercules, sent a crab to distract him. This crab was meant to distract Hercules while biting his feet and prevent him from winning against Hydra.

However, we all know that Hercules was pretty strong, and the crab couldn’t prevent his win. This does not mean that the crab’s efforts went unnoticed! To honor his valiant attempt, he was honored by being turned into a constellation in the sky.

And there you have it, the slightly violent story behind the cancer symbol! The Cancer symbol text, therefore, includes stars that are joined to make a crab-like symbol.

Cancer’s reaction to criticism

An illustration to not listening to critics

Since the Cancer symbol is famous for being sensitive, they are not the best at taking criticism. This is not because they are arrogant or self-centered. This has more to do with the fact that the Cancer symbol always feels things more deeply than others, and criticism tends to hurt them a bit, even if it is constructive criticism.

Since the Cancer symbol is the crab, they urge to go back into their shell when they face criticism. This means they do not express how they feel very openly, and instead, they only drop hints. While some people may think of this as throwing shade, in reality, Cancers do not want to hurt others by openly telling them that their words hurt them.

How do Cancers approach life?

Staying inside the comfort zone

When it comes to life, the Cancer symbol is associated with taking a safe approach. This is because they crave security and comfort. One of the prime areas where Cancers seek safety in life is work and employment. Like all people, cancers have work-related ambitions as well.

However, if there is a choice between a high-flying career and a relatively less-paying yet stable job, Cancers are more likely to choose the latter. For them, having security is essential. They also tend to stay close to home even when it comes to work or education. They love the stability and comfort that accompany staying close to home.

All of this does not mean that Cancers are not hard-working! It is quite the opposite. When Cancers set their eyes on something, they want to succeed at it. This is why they tend not to take too many risks: the possibility of losing is a bit daunting for them! However, what they do choose to pursue, they follow through with full passion.

The moon as the Cancer symbol’s ruling planet

A boat under a beautiful moon

The Cancer symbol is associated with the moon as its ruling planet. We have all heard that the moon affects the tides of the seas and waves. Similarly, the moon is also famous for being connected with human emotions and affecting them as well. This is why the Cancer symbol is renowned for being emotional and sensitive.

They tend to “feel” more deeply and more intensely than others, which is why people often have trouble understanding the Cancer symbol. However, the moon is also famous for being the caring plant and a mother-like figure for the other planets. This means that the Cancer symbol also has nurturing and caregiving qualities, often making them the group’s mother hen!

The Cancer symbol is a water sign

While there are other water signs out there, the Cancer symbol tends to stay at the surface level of the water it is associated with. This does not mean that Cancerians are not deep people.

Cancer Sign

However, they are not as deep or philosophical as the other water signs, such as Pisces. As a water sign, the Cancer symbol is also associated with being emotional. The Cancer symbol is famous for getting emotional and crying very easily. While this has made some people cause the “crybabies,” we like to think that these emotions display how clean the hearts of Cancers are.

They do not bottle up their emotions and become resentful over time. Instead, they express them immediately and get it over with.

What about family and relationships?

When it comes to the Cancer symbol, family is everything. Cancers tend to stick up for their families and friends and not go too far away from them. This is why some Cancers may find it hard to pack up everything and move far away for work and education. They enjoy the pleasures of the domestic world, and while they like to work, home is where they are at their most comfortable.

We hope that our guide could shed some light on the details of the Cancer zodiac symbol and its characteristics. These hyper-emotional and home-loving people are also fiercely loyal and make great friends!

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